Do Mojave rattlesnakes chase you?

Do Mojave rattlesnakes chase you?

In our experience, rattlesnakes appear to chase or attack in two situations: a mother protecting her babies or a snake trying to escape to shelter behind us. In our thousands of encounters with wild Mohaves and other rattlesnakes, we've never observed an attack and have found rattlesnakes to be rather timid creatures.

Are Mojave rattlesnakes aggressive?

Mojave Rattlesnakes are not aggressive. This may mean that they can rattle and strike with more enthusiasm than other types of rattlesnakes, but this is a defensive behavior.Mar 30, 2017

How poisonous is a Mojave rattlesnake?

This rattlesnake has a very potent venom which is considered ten times more toxic than other North American rattlesnakes, a fact that makes the Mojave rattlesnake one of the most dangerous poisonous snakes in the United States. Their venom works as a neurotoxin and is called Mojave toxin.

How big does a Mojave rattlesnake get?

How big do Mojave rattlesnakes get? Adult Mojave rattlesnakes grow in size from two to four feet long. They can weigh between six and twenty pounds. Rattlesnakes have a cylindrical body with paired, heavy scales on their back that are diamond-shaped in cross-section.